Tip #2
Tip #2: Tell a stranger! I've been on Skype a lot lately, and random people keep messaging me. I'm too nice to brush them off, so I end up talking to them for awhile, and I figured, I might as well use that as a vehicle to tell the world about podcasting! I talked to a guy named Shawn yesterday who was at first very anti-podcasting. After explaining why I like podcasts, and why I prefer them to other forms of entertainment (tv, commercial radio, internet radio), I got him to listen to one, which he didn't really like... But! He said he'd listen to another of my recommendations another time. This tip is not very efficient, time-wise, but if you're going to be wasting time messaging with strangers anyway, there's really no time lost, right?
If you have any success with any of these tips, please post a comment and tell me about it!
If you have any success with any of these tips, please post a comment and tell me about it!
Hi Mollster :)
My tip with this is maybe to have a recommendation to hand that's 'across the board' & unlikely to offend (much as I love Borderline & even TOTP, I wouldn't necessarily recommend them to a newbie!)
I would always start with recommending the hugely popular Bitterest Pill for talk podcasts as it has broad appeal...you know more about music podcasts than I do...
love your new blog though-& I see you've submitted to the lure of Blogger ;) xxx
By Highlights from two years of blogging., at Wed Jan 04, 02:31:00 PM CST
Thank you for the insightful comment, Diane!
You make a very good point. I didn't think about it ahead of time enough to make a very good recommendation. I think Top of the Pods would make a great starter show, though... at least it would if they weren't on hiatus right now.
It would help to know a person a little better to make a really good recommendation. Maybe I should come up with a set of questions to test the waters...
-Do you find Scottish accents hard to understand?
-Would you like NPR better if it was more fun?
-Do you own a Pocket PC?
By Molly, at Wed Jan 04, 06:06:00 PM CST
Everyone except Scots finds our accent hard to fathom !!
Mind you, some Scots accents are more impenetrable than others. I, for example, am a shining example of understandability as opposed to that west-coast laddie ;-)
I jest, of course (aka "Ah wiz jist pullin' yer plonker, bytheway")
By Grant - Three From Leith, at Thu Jan 05, 03:11:00 PM CST
Plonker?! haha!
I've listened long enough that I can understand all my Scottish podcasts without any trouble now. But yours was always easy to understand... for the most part! ;)
By Molly, at Thu Jan 05, 03:38:00 PM CST
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